Charlotte’s Echo Foundation had hoped to kick off convention week with Bill Clinton as headliner at its 15th annual awards gala. Clinton begged off, but another son of Arkansas – and a bona fide FOB (Friend of Bill) – will deliver the keynote on Sept. 3.
Retired Gen. Wesley Clark, supreme commander of NATO forces during the Kosovo War and a brief Democratic presidential contender in 2004, will speak on “Courageous Leadership in Turbulent Times.”
The real stars of the night will be CLT civic leaders Mary Lou and Jim Babb. They’ll pick up the Echo Award Against Indifference for their many years of educational, cultural and charitable contributions.
--Tim Funk
Home loan forgiven? It may count as income
10 years ago
I think Bill Clinton did a above average job in his tenure in the White House.
I will forever wonder how much Monica Lewinsky was paid for her tryst, by the Republican Party, as I am certain Clinton's weakness for a women with her capabilities was well known to them.
I have the same weaknesses so there is no criticism intended.
Blaming someone else because a sitting president decided to have a "fling" with an kindergarten stuff. Is that the excuse you used with your wife: "honey, they knew I had a weakness for women, so it's really not my fault. they were paid to entice me...or somthin'"
Clinton got a blow job while in the white house. SO WHAT? Still one of the greatest presidents in recent history....TImes were good, plenty of jobs, gas was affordable
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