Three new polls are showing the race in North Carolina continues to be tight between President Obama and Mitt Romney.
-- A new survey by Public Policy Polling, a Democratic-leaning firm, shows the two tied at 48 percent. The margin of error is 3.1 percentage points.
-- A poll by High Point University and Fox 8 showed Romney with 46 percent to Obama's 43 percent. The sampling error is 4.3 percentage points.
-- And an Elon University Poll, released Sunday, showed Romney up 47 percent to 43 percent. Like the High Point University Poll, it was conducted during the GOP convention. The margin of error is 3 percentage points.
Home loan forgiven? It may count as income
10 years ago
Mitt Romney cares MUCH MORE about the needs of his BILLIONAIRE donors than about average Americans!
If elected, who do you think Mitt will work hardest to please, his RICH friends or you?
@ Joseph Robert
Drinking that kook-aid by the gallon I see.
Mitt cares far more about the American people than Obama. Obama only cares about himself and his ideology - no matter who it hurts.
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