Vice President Joe Biden will campaign in Charlotte on Tuesday (Oct. 2), an Obama campaign official said Wednesday.
More details on his itinerary are to come.
Biden's return to North Carolina comes as the race for the state's 15 electoral votes is heating up.
The vice president's stop follows a visit to Durham last week by First Lady Michelle Obama.
On the Republican side, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan -- GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney's running mate -- also stopped in North Carolina this month.
And this week, two high-profile Republican surrogates -- U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina -- have campaigned for Romney-Ryan in the Tar Heel State.
Both campaigns are also airing new TV ads in the state, where Romney and Democratic President Barack Obama are virtually tied in recent polls.
-- Tim Funk
Home loan forgiven? It may count as income
10 years ago
Will Biden be bragging of killing Bin Laden like at the DNC where they blurted it out 21 times?
Within a week of the DNC the Obama installed new puppet Revolution Libyan Muslim Brotherhood regime had stormed the US Embassy and killed Stevens and 3 exSEALs and burned it down.
Too date NOTHING has been done except pay apologetic lip service to the killers from Obama and at the UN for some phantom film by a muslim Egyptian filmmaker on youtube noone has ever seen.
Oddly since the killings Obama or Biden have dared breathe the name of Bin Laden ... dead giveaway ...
The scary thing is this early senescent clown xould become President.
Anonymous is correct. What a tool Biden is to have bragged about "getting rid of a dictator in Libya and bringing about a new regime and stability there."
This guy Biden wouldn't know reality if it jumped up and bit him. Fantasy world of a 5 year old is where he lives 24/7.
if they repeat their propaganda enough, the O-bots will believe it. Well, actually with Biden it's not even intelligent enough to be labeled propaganda.
Obama reparations to hispanic farmers too? The last bogus reparation 30 billion went to black farmers who only number 17k yet 100k suddenly became urban farmers and got the free loot.
Does money grow on trees in this half black Santa Claus administration? Now you can figure out where that SIX TRILLION he accidentally overspent on purpose went now once you add up all the freebies of this smuggled in radical socialist extortionist thief. Carribean off shore banks must have trillions in the name of Barack Hussein Obama only no doubt ...
Obama printing presses must run 24/7/365 ... Who is next in line for a free handout? This criminal has been out of control with the bank keys since Jan 2008.
"Please prove you're not a robot" is a fraud. That gets them your ISP illegally. Only the NSA can do that legally.
Why would any of us listen to an idiot like Joe Biden.
Those who can comprehend this moronic jackass will hear her saying Obama is giving everyone free cell phones but only if you are in his 47% ...
Well hello there! In this post did you use the information from some researches or here are solely your exclusive reflections? Can't wait to see your answer.
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