Charlotte Chamber CEO has been making television appearances all week talking up the city as the country's fastest growing metropolitan area.
On Fox Business, Morgan said the convention was Charlotte's "debut" and said the city is "doing pretty well economically by this convention."
On C-SPAN's Washington Journal, Morgan described the city's rise into a major financial center and touted the city's manufacturing. When asked about hwether the city had contingency plans for more trouble at Bank of America or Wells Fargo, he praised the two big banks for bringing wealth to the city and said "very little gets done civically" without their taking a lead role.
Beyond that, he said the city continues to diversify its corporate base, though he also said other banks like PNC and BB&T have been increasing their presence in the city.
--Andrew Dunn
Home loan forgiven? It may count as income
10 years ago
Get off the crack. What a joke. Nobody gives a rats ass about Charlotte NC and it will all be forgotten soon never to return and its back to the loser Bobcats to go with loser Obama.
One hit wonder. Nothing gained.
Elvis has left the building ...
Scathing reviews by DNC.
Many thanks to Charlotte for the hotel "assistance".
Elect Mitt Romney 2012 Cain Committee
Open racism at DNC was incredible
Jon Stewart = Clint Eastwood ?
NYC resident delegate for PR threatens " I will kill Romney" at DNC in Charlotte NC
GOP Romney 2012
If you don't like Charlotte, get the fuck out. I will help you pack. A$$HOLES
^ Insecure are we?
Its not about Charlotte even though it has been converted into your typical ultra lib parasitic socialist cookie cutter copy of all other gumint cities in Amerika and the next lil Detroit.
Its about a worst ever socialist free spender privlege character in the WH without a clue killing the economy running up a 6 trillion tab so far and demanding another free lunch to fuck up worse....
Dead and bloated Amerika cant afford him again and it may be irrelevant anyway since help is on the way and final solution.
Amerika clearly on the cutting edge of splitting this "bad marriage" with "irreconsible differences" into TWO brand new nations and it wont be north and south this time but rather capitalist-red & socialist-blue.
This is assured and inevitable and everyone will be happy (espec the reds)
Coming soon ...
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