Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's campaign team said on a conference call with reporters Wednesday that North Carolina is drifting away from President Barack Obama.
"This is one that I get a kick out of that I"m still talking about," political director Rich Beeson said while going through a list of the campaign's thoughts on battleground states.
He said that while early voting turnout still favors registered Democrats in North Carolina, Republicans have cut that gap by 100,000 votes from 2008 numbers.
"North Carolina continues to move further and further from him, as evidenced that they have not had the president down there since he left the convention," Beeson said, referring to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte.
Obama's campaign would not say Monday whether Obama would make another appearance in North Carolina, but said they felt the state was still very much in play.
Public Policy Polling had the candidates tied at 49 percent on Wednesday. A WRAL poll Tuesday had Romney ahead 50-45.
Home loan forgiven? It may count as income
10 years ago
Go Romney - looking "forward" to getting this country working again.
Take this assessment with a grain of salt. It did after all come from a spokesperson for the Pinocchio campaign.
These guys wouldn't tell the truth if their presidential chances depended upon it. Wait a minute. It does.
Obama/Biden 2012
If the Romney campaign made that statement, you can take it to the bank. You know that they would not tell you an untruth.
NC has leaned RED for a couple weeks now. Democrat analysts expected this. In 2008 NC was only won by 0.33% ( less than 1%).
Both candidates will continue their campaigns here.
Obama pushing negative false ads against Romney which comes off as desperate.
People are sick of the democratic negative campaign.
Would have been nice to have heard some plans from them all these months. Shame on them.
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