North Carolina is not included in the newest round of TV ads being aired by the re-election campaign of President Barack Obama.
One new ad is running in Nevada, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio and Virginia. A second ad is running in those states as well as New Hampshire and Wisconsin.
But the Obama campaign was still running a 60-second ad in North Carolina that featured Obama speaking into the camera.
On Tuesday, top Obama campaign officials denied suggestions that they were writing off North Carolina at a time when polls give Republican challenger Mitt Romney a slight lead in the state.
Obama campaign manager pointed to TV ads running in the state as well as recent visits by Vice President Joe Biden and First Lady Michelle Obama. But the Democratic president himself has not been to North Carolina since early September, when he gave his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte.
-- The News & Observer
Home loan forgiven? It may count as income
10 years ago
Aw shucks! Does that mean we won't see Obama try and push forth more half-truths and outright lies to the American public?
"Wednesday, October 24, 2012
N.C. voters not seeing two new Obama ads"
You say that like it's a bad thing.
I'll be glad when this is all over and the carpetbaggers from both parties vamoose.
So much for that "Well, I care for 100% of Americans!>
Less is MORE, when it comes to Barack Hussein Obama
This just in, NC is not a battleground state as much as you want to protray it as is and how did that convention here work out for ya? I am betting if only Obama spoke outside BoFA Stadium that would have sealed the deal.. Suckers.
These commercials are falling on deaf ears anyway.
...Didn't ya'll hear? Obongo's crowd has pulled out of NC! It's a NO GO!
In '08 believe the Messiah defeated McCain by under 14K votes or less than a 1% margin. In S.C. McCain defeated the Messiah by a 9% margin...In S.C. Romney expected to defeat the Messiah by 13-18%...Would expect N.C. Romney to prevail by 3-5%...
Hey Election Watch: How about a story on just how little one candidate is now spending in for ads in the media?
The momentum has changed. If you pay attention, all you hear from Romney is his vision and what he is going to do. All you hear from Obama is how Romney is evil and how Obama (see Morgan Freeman's ad) is not responsible for any of the bad things that have happened.
Obama is losing... and the desperation of his attack ads show that he knows it!
The only place President Obama is losing is in your little minds. Check back in on Election Day after NC goes for the Prez. It will just be a repeat of the gnashing of teeth that occurred in 2008. But you keep your hope alive.
The troops in all our previous wars put up with conditions most of us can only imagine to guarantee our freedom. We can put up with our political process for a little longer. Let's elect someone more worthy of their past sacrifice.
Democrats altering voting machines in NC.
Democrats sending out false mailings.
Democrats trying to buy votes at colleges.
Democrats - A scourge that America needs to get rid of.
Losers like you naysayers are not worth spending campaign money on.
Nobody should be surprised why liberals are the worst informed segment of our population. It appears that they have the narrowest spectrum of where they get their news and much of it comes from comedians. They are truly a sad lot when it comes to being versed in both sides of an issue.
Big deal. NC will just be one of the battleground states backing the losing candidate if we go for Romney this time. Republicans are voting against veterans jobs bills and blaming Obma for jobs numbers. I thought "government doesn't create jobs". A legless marine and his wife were just thrown out of a Charlotte restaurant because they were Cowboys fans. Too many non thinking low information voters in NC. This guy is a war hero, NC is trying to elect someone who will start at least two more wars.
Beware of all liberals who have a criminal tendancy to commit voter fraud as Morans son just caught in Virginia in the act of the crime.
Obviously if their evil master wins they will get graft kickback from the DNC or WH that comes out of taxpayer funds.
Never turn your back for one second on any liberal scumbag. President Romney will have to use his connections to search for that missing 6 trillion Obama may have stashed in an off shore banking account in the Carribean.
You know...I believe you impotent Conservative/Tea Patsies thought that McCain would easily be victorious in North Carolina in 2008 also. Your little idiotic polls of "likely" voters made your RED NECKS turn BLUE...Well, look for the same "likely" voters in 2012, to get outpaced by all of those "unlikely" voters who you will proclaim victorious AGAIN! GOP always lose when they think they have won. Carolina BLUE is true to form.
Anyone that still believes that NC is going to go to Obama is truly delusional. Let's see what song they are singing on November 7th.
pres obama has nc won hands down
the song will be " blow it our yer arse, repooplinut" hahahaha
carolina blue baby !!! Pres Obama all the way !@!@! No moronic Mormonis here, go back to kolob dog hater
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