North Carolina -- home to former Sen.. John Edwards and future Sen. Paula Broadwell?
Not a chance that'll happen now that Charlotte-based Broadwell has been outed as David Petraeus' mistress and co-star of the most-talked-about extramarital romance since, well, John Edwards and Charlotte-based Rielle Hunter.
But Time magazine reports that Broadwell had a plan to run for the Senate, as a Republican from the Tar Heel State.
Over drinks in Aspen, Colo., last July, she told a small group that she had been approached by some "Republican moneymen," as Time put it, about running -- presumably against Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan, who is up for re-election in 2014. (Republican Sen. Richard Burr won a second term in 2010).
She was tempted. But Petraeus shot down her plan, Broadwell told the group "in an irritated tone," the magazine said.
Petraeus -- ex-CIA director, retired general and subject of a gushing 2012 biography by Broadwell -- interrogated her about her positions on several issues: abortion, climate change, gun control, gay marriage, tax cuts, Social Security vouchers.
"Her answers, he told her, would not fit either party and she should not sell herself out," Time reported.
Like Petraeus, Broadwell graduated from the U.S. Military Academy. She went on to become a counterterrorism expert. Her book is titled "All In: The Education of General David Petraeus."
-- Tim Funk
Home loan forgiven? It may count as income
10 years ago
The same GOP responsible for the 13th Amendment and the civil rights act of 1964.
Oh please. Trying to redefine what it means to be a Republican these days by pointing out that at times in the past they actually WERE sane and reasonable (to a degree) means you understand what they actually are now. Which is to say, reactionary, petulant, and profoundly bigoted and racist. And that's a "conservative" assessment. It's also why they lost the election.
There is no other way to explain the way they've treated President Obama since BEFORE he was even inaugurated. It's been beyond disgusting. And now they're REALLY ticked off.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation".
If she were a Dem she could still run. Oh, and Archiguy... what you are doing is called Projection... it's liberals who throw around the word "hate" all the time and make ads like Romney pushing a elderly person in a wheelchair off a cliff and Michael Moore's cursing senior citizen ads... all the while proclaiming themselves to be the tolerant ones!
John - Don't mistake simple observation and listening to the stuff they say with intolerance. I'm intolerant of lies and obfuscation coming from my elected officials and their supporters, right or left, so sue me. The problem is simply more pervasive in Republicans these days.
That's as silly as Republicans cursing the "liberal media" for the crime of simply reporting the exact words that Sarah Palin says, or Todd Aiken says, or Mitt Romney says (to a roomful of Republican doners), etc. They damn themselves with their own words and deeds.
Red States ready to leave this godawful brainwashed liberal red ink bad marriage and divorce the socialist run lame duck empty chair mouthpiece in charge who has been the worst disaster in the history of this nation with his radical ancient Marxist redistribution policies running up the national debt 16 trillion while over 50% now on entitlements of welfare and food stamps getting worse and a real 50% unemployment rate.
America has become 3rd world and mediocre under this pretender who intends on taking it further down with the so called immigration reform to get votes and maintain power control.
3rd world California now dead last in poverty with its tens of millions of illegals and becoming completely irrelevant. Liberals are all irrelevant racist bigots haters of the real sane America and will be left to wallow in their own 3rd world wretched cesspool.
Coming soon.
Rigged election. Democrat voter fraud rampant all over the Banana Republic called Amerika.
Most people have positions that no longer fit either party. On another note, Good riddance to the secessionist red states. Wonder what they will do when they find out the only that can support themselves is Texas.
Please, secede. We'll go 2-0.
Liar "bullshitter" impostor Obama knew it was al-queda jihad within 72 hrs but lied for 2 weeks to Amerika and the world at the UN it was a muslim film and instructed all others to lie and even waited until after the rigged selection to mention Petraeus sex scandal but says he knew nothing.
Romney robbed by a lying thief who caused 6 trillion to vanish without a trace.
Wall Street running as fast as they can away from this unqualified clown idiot socialist Marxist redistributionist who wants to steal all the wealth from successful capitalists and give to himself and his government plus his pathetic losers who worship this phony destroyer of America.
Wall Street ready to transfer to the new Red State Capitalist free Enterprise Nation led by new president Romney and get the hell out of the Obama socialism dark age business hating thieving criminal nation. The pretender needs to stop condescending always saying "we" need to pay more taxes. Typical commie tyrant.
How soon before see naked pics of this broad?
Alex Jones on tyrant Obama's 3rd term in the works with govt control of oil production.
NC native Rev Manning says Obama is pure evil with his whore trash slut mother.
Socialist muslim Obama begs pagan monk for advice on his 16 trillion debt.
Ignorant revolutionary radical leftist socialist muslim Obama dumbass with low IQ created the precarious environment for arab nations to revolt and change to stricter anti-American muslim al-gueda and muslim brotherhood radical terrorist leaders.
Just as in Libya where Obama murdered 4 Americans and ignores blame and lies, the Egyptian situation is equally bad although he is scared to touch Syria or Iran who he allows to build nukes.
This is great! A message board with the cream of the crop of Republican nut-cases, from ranting secessionists (How'd that work for you in the last century) to drooling conspiracy theorists. Want laughs? Here's your spot.!091EC6F9-6F61-4C2B-B3C4-5061CCEEAD4C
Obama butt boy Buffet continues on his rants to raise taxes on the wealth makers and business owners so they can help pay for his 6.3 trillion debt and his 51% welfare food stamp worthless bums and lying homos who milk free checks from the govt with disability lies as bonified scumbag psycho rat feces of zero worth to producer society wasting good oxygen on earth.
Texas on the verge of secession triggering all other 24 Red States in the south, mid west, central plains, west, and northwest with Alaska to form a new conservative free capitalist nation. Liberals have been warned to move or face the consequences. Its just a matter of time.
Assets will be split accordingly.
The bad marriage of Red and Blue finally coming to an end and Red elite states divorce from broke poor 3rd world socialist Blue bitch states imminent.
Obama wants to reduce his 16.5 trillion dollar debt by stealing working Americans 401K retirement plans.
Evil Obama the first faggoted sodomite selected occupant of the WH seeking to destroy the institution of marriage.
Professor Walter Williams OKs secession perfectly as legal.
GOP takes aim at all govt entitlements and all 47% moochers on a free lunch welfare, food stamps, fake disability, etc etc
Lib scum love their arab muslim scum and both need to be nuked by Israel.
Obama hates jews ?
Obama with 6.5 trillion of his own lousy Santa Claus red ink debt in less than 4 years needs to END all govt entitlements except for retirement age 66 with SS benefits only other than those who have contributed over many years to a 401k or retirement program. Unless disabled no early retirement for anyone in govt including military and presidents. Top retirement pay should be 50,000 max for any top official.
Obamacare is a fraud and a total crock. Wasn't he going to cut medical costs by 50% across the board yet he has done nothing whatsoever as the ever rising grossly excessive expenses continue to rise causing employers insurance to skyrocket as benefits continue to plummet with increasing co-pays and rising deductibles as high as 10,000.
The American Dream of home ownership was a complete housing bubble bust as banks paid the price of liberalism.
Real estate does NOT need to rise as so called economic experts demand that will only create a new housing bubble and start the insanity all over again.
Obama is a highly destructive socialist mouthpiece completely ignorant of business who only wastes trillions in handouts while turning a western modern world into a poor mooching welfare 3rd world banana republic like Haiti or Mexico City and couldn't run a kids lemon aid stand. The only thing he can run is his big mouth bellowing like a cow but never saying anything. Red must split from blue to survive or be dragged further down into this 3rd world sewer by this mafioso extortionist seeking to destroy the fabric of capitalism in Amerika.
Well of course Barack Hussain Obama hates jews. He is muslim from birth and raised muslim in a muslim nation in Indonesia. Jeez ...
Former NSA spy turned informant says Feds spies on every single American citizen with 30 trillion documents on hand sifted through 24/7/365. Nothing escapes USSR Amerika comrade Obama Big Brother who kills US citizens at will anywhere in the world.
Lib news agency sensationalizes a lie as the difference are those scalawags dropping out for a free Santa Claus monthly check as opposed to working for a living. Def a vote getter. Disability fakes are the worse scumbags of all.
Jack Webb puts uppity socialist Obama back in his place
Jack Webb sets juvenile immature Obama on respect
Her 15 minutes is up, time to move on and let her destroy the rest of her life.
If England bans the Church of England from marrying the filthy mentals that is smart since they are the official church of England.
America needs to ban all official Christian churches from marrying its 1% faggot population in similar gesture in perverted liberal states who voted for it.
Sheik Obama needs to try to have his muslim mosques to marry the filthy nasty homos and see how that works out?
Europeans conquer Asian migrants and built created and settled America and the western hemisphere building modern 1st world advanced cities and nations did they not?
America will be split up a lot quicker than earlier thought. 1st world Red capitalist and 3rd world Blue socialist separate nations is now a certain reality much sooner than later. Plans are being articulated and consummated at the present time in an intelligent way .
Liberal Obama supporter NC media outlet wants a ban on 2nd Amendment rights?
Didnt Obama put a ban on firearms in Benghazi Libya before he ordered AQ terrorists to storm the building and murder 4 Americans?
When you dont have an equalizer as protection who are automatically dead meat.
Had the Sandy Hook CT Elementary school teacher had an equalizer the 20 year old homosexual pedophile liberal nutcase could have been shot dead and 26 lives saved.
Point #1 : Never elect liberal socialist scumbags.
#2 Never allow liberals to own firearms
#3 Liberals are all idiot nutcases and up to good evil and dangerous.
#4 Split into 2 nations and put all the liberal socialist insane fruitcake murderers into the Blue States Nation. Place all the decent
hard working tax paying sane capitalist people who own guns in a
Red States Nation.
Problem solved. Red States will have to erect a border with armed guards to shoot to kill on site any and all Red State illegals.
Media Liberal Lunacy 101: Illegally publish gun owners names in New York media so all evil criminals know who they can rob and kill without any problems and who not to rob to risk getting shot.
Another great brain fart from your handy media idiots.
Barack Hussein Obama the true Muslim revealed
The 47% who actually work and pay taxes will see smaller paychecks under you know who the liberal 17 trillion spender with 200 trillion in debt that is owed ...
Meanwhile he returns to HA and his 10 million vacation on taxpayers expense
Who would have guessed? Big spender Bush has been overwhelmed by a dumb retard idiot named Obama who loves his 7 million tropical vacations.
Local media idiots need to interview real taxpayers who actually work on the tax hike by the radical socialist Marxist Obama and not sorry lib scum on the street who have never paid a dime of taxes.
Neauseating but only under the jackleg homo enabler perv extortionist shake down artist in the White House of course financially destroying America with no care in the world in pure ignorance. Same sex hacks will now disgrace and tarnish the Washington National Cathedral with these mentally deranged weirdo couples from hell who are anything but of Xian orientation.
Whats next? Humans marry their pet animals? Pedophile marriage to children? Slippery slope of no return by liberal scumbag filth who also attempt to take away 2nd Amendment rights, by mistake of course.
Did the 47% welfare checks or food stamps or entitlements go down too?
Thank you Mr Romney. You got cheated by a bunch of free loader liberals.
Why do Bush token mouthpiece scumbag liberals like Colin Powell continue to lie about being Republican? Is he really that stupid and ignorant that he thinks he is pulling off his con ac on anyone with his head up bro Obamas anus?
Obama a tyrant ...
Impeach the useless POS ...
The selfish empty chair who just wanted to hang onto power and gave a rats ass about America.He knew the idiot libs on welfare were all low IQ and would keep him in.
America celebrates the 2nd Amendment Rights ratified 1789 and thanks its Founders along with "Godfather Of The Constitution" James Madison of Virginia the 4th president that was specifically written to protect WE THE PEOPLE from a tyrannical government and tyrant leader.
America was created to protect its citizens from government tyrant socialists such as the ultra liberal Obama scumbag pervert enabler.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
According to the most liberal CNN the nation is split. Duhhh ...
49% say Amerika doing just fine under their fake messiah? Good laugh.
51% say Amerika sucks. They tell the truth.
Sounds like the 47% under the welfare food stamp president has risen a couple points.
Romney miscalculated but success in today's screwed up pc Amerika is judged not on performance, unless you play sports where you must be very good and must win, but on who you are and how many extra trillions you can tack to the nat debt.
Intolerance? What a joke. Whiny homo pos crybaby perv story teller liberal loser.
Forget the stupid inauguration PR stunt with 2 bibles of Lincoln and King by the pagan muslim christian hater obama fake who is silent about christians vanishing.
Is this the long predicted 666 anti-christ beast sodomite puppet of hell as amerika sinks into chaos and cataclysmic unrecoverable 3rd world debt poverty and despair?
Great news.
Time to join up and get your female or homo butts in gear to make that ultimate sacrifice for your country and ship to Mali, Algeria, Libya or developing AQ hot spots in north and central Africa where Mr. Revolutionary Obama's muslims are taking over killing christians that he is oddly silent about even now ending the modern day Crusades as the "extinct" Al-Quada forces surge mainly in nations where the president promoted revolution. Muslim Brotherhood and Al Queda thank Mr Hussain Obama for his help.
Under new perfectly logical legitimate GOP plan America would be moving in the right direction and president Mitt Romney would have legally and fairly been in the White House without all the stupid pomp and circumstance cooronation of the tyrant right now as the socialist muslim commie imposter kicked out and back to his beloved Chicago 3rd world king of murder gang city.
Egypt falling apart again
Thanks to the low IQ dumbass radical "Mr Revolutionary" in the WH all of North Africa has become owned and run by Al Quada and anti-American after 40 years of being allies. What a screwup knucklehead that liberal socialist idiot is.
Does the media already despise ultra gumint liberal agenda lame duck Obama wishing he were gone so they continue to promote president Hillary Clinton in 2016 as if it is just around the corner instead of 4 years away?
Obama clearly stole the presidency away from Clinton in 2008 laughably using racism against her and Bill and look what a terrible red ink mess he has made.
Is Hillary already president? Does the media want Obama impeached?
Has the media has did a 180 and turned against this radical israel hating ultra liberal idiot tyrant dictator mullah Obama ?
Is revolutionary Obama behind the global war killing of christians and in the pagan muslim world?
Between Obama and Clinton obv Clinton is the lesser of the two evils. Since the inept radical socialist leftist homo homosexualizer over took her in 2008 she is finished. That goes for the Banana Republic president in 2016 now trying to finish the job of making America 3rd world and reduce European Americans to a minority status with the legalization of 20 or more million peasants and redistribute income while over spending by 6.5 trillion.
Does dumbed down America understand now why Limbaugh said he hoped Obama would fail in 2008? Nothing has changed. Obama is the most dangerous terrorist on the planet.
15 year old DNC performer in Sept 2012 in Charlotte NC for Obama relection effort gunned down in her Chicago hood. Murder capital Chicago has 1000 murderers annually yet the empty chair has never said a word.
The Homosexual Obama Age At Work.
America got its first black or half black president but also its first homosexual president. What a hypocrite Obama is not to come out the closet but he waited 4 years to declare homo-marriage support only after Biden forced him to do so.
Forget Larry Sinclair and the Chicago Mens Club since everyone saw first hand the Obama - Reggie Love homo affair in his first term.
The truth goes on and on. Obama is the first faggot president and that trumps him being the first half black half white president. Bill Clinton holds the distinction as being the first albino black president.
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, quacks like a duck,
ITS A DUCK .... Its Obama the LAME DUCK homo hypocrite still in the closet but he kids nobody but himself. Damn faggot.
Australia bans assalt weapons and firearms and crime goes thru the roof.
Obama has a new hobby using assault weapons to shoot clay pigeons at Camp David?
Has Obama done a 180 on the 2nd Amendment and become a real man?
Will he become a Republican and heterosexual only now since his immigration bill will go up in flames in the House?
He is on the right path for sure if its not phony.
Homosexual Obama Age turning the Boy Scouts into a homo pedophile outfit?
Will Sandusky to be paroled to become a scout leader?
Come out of the closet Obama. Stop being a total hypocrite. Everyone knows you are a gayboy.
Who had America's #1 all time top muslim killing sharp shooter shot dead at a remote Texas shooting range?
Did mullah Obama have him trailed and kill him for wasting so many of his beloved muslim brothers or was it just a "random" act?
Yea rite ...
After the filthy muslim killed 16 US soldiers at Ft Hood Obama called it simply "workplace violence".
Why does America need muslims in its military?
And what about Benghazi? Oh gee they all gushed over Clintons wonderful defense of failure.
Why does America reward total failure and bad behavior now?
Mexican "tour bus"? WTF? So at least 8 wont be in Obama's new quickie illegal amnesty program on tap now?
How many Mexican "tour buses" are coming across the border these days and how many are still on the buses when they exit back across the border? Who counts heads? Are they real heads or cardboard cutouts?
Large tour buses can hold hundreds of illegals.
The sicko liberal demonic homosexualization of America in full tilt by the first homosexual president rigged in office by the media and socialist liberal racists in spite of being the absolute worst WH occupant ever competely destroying western civilization turning it into a Banana Republic 3rd world cesspool once he depletes all its assets and redistribution.
Why would liberal perverts like Obama and his ilk demand the Boy Scouts allow faggot molester pedophiles whose perverted type represent all the major serial killers in history?
Do as I say not as I do? The hypocrisy age of Obama afraid to come out of his own closet but demands all other homos do so.
The world knows Obama still smokes fags and not just the cigarette kind.
Obama finally gets one right for once in his life. The only good pagan muslim is a dead one.
Using drones to fire Americas 15k nukes is the best way to go to eradicate 1.5 billion muslims on the planet. Seize their oil fields and get gas down to 50 cents a gallon.
Beware of the racist Disney white rabbit.
Panetta now says he personally told Obama about the Benghazi attacks and Obama did nothing to stop them.
When will this do nothing sorryass homo with diarreah of the mouth in the WH do something about these goddam skyrocketing gas prices that is killing the masses?
What a worthless pos who gives a flying fuck about anything but holding on to power and spending Amerika into oblivion while doing nothing alse. Those idiots who voted the lib clueless homo for a 2nd term are a dumbass pos too.
Gas already spiked to 5 bucks a gallon in California and moving east.
The sicko pedophile homo liberal age continues to sicken with nursery school so called "innocent" curiosity?
Time to impeach the incompetent idiot and arrest Hillary Clinton for treason with him.
Taliban wants to come to the war torn hoods of Chicago to keep the peace?
Why would a enemy muslim jihadist in the WH be so intently consistently interested in reducing American military power nuclear arsenal to 300 from 30,000 warheads with no plans for enemy countries reductions? Very strange since he has been on this kick for 4 years plus take away 2nd Amendment rights.
What are his not so ulterior motives other than wanting China Russia Iran N Korea etc to surpass and conquer America?
But then again why would this traitor treasonist allow the US Embassy and 4 embassy officials be murdered by his fellow jihadist Al Queda muslim friends and act so non-chalant and cavalier about it all?
Wonder if diarreah of the mouth Obama will be referring to this senseless brutal slaying of 4 white females by 2 of the usual suspects when he tries to limit the 2nd Amendment rights of citiens?
Had these 4 females had firearms the story could have been different but they also didnt perform at his inauguration.
Donald Duck is a racist and getting sued too? Who's next? Porky Pig? Bugs Bunny?
Sympathizers of crybaby nutjob ex-cop Dorner who killed 2 white cops and other 2 non-white civilians show how totally fucked up libs are as if thats a mystery. No doubt Obama a diehard fan of psychopath Dorner since he has been silent.
Clearly racist libs should never be cops espec the ones who own assault weapons and carry false grudges.
Thanks to the great job by the San Bernadino county Sheriff Dept in Big Bear California for not pussyfooting around and doing the right thing quickly and decisively plus burn the murderer alive. Nice work. Mission Accomplished.
Good for owner Allen. No name change and the Redskins will always be the Redskins. No faggot pc trash.
Clearly this despicable racist murderer Dorner had a big fan in the WH.
Isn't is just grande to have the first half white president in the WH who went MIA on Benghazi and then sent Rice and Clinton to lie about it all and cover his absence?
Who would even want the MexAmerica banana republic top job once he exits with 25 trillion debt and a 400 million or more population? Yikes.
Gee whiz. A deadly outbreak untreatable TB strain is all America needs now after being infested with blood sucking parasites and formerly eradicated diseases since the great flood from south of the border including lice, bedbugs, diphtheria,
chicken pox, measles, mumps, polio, etc etc.
Being a neo-3rd world banana republic of peasantry does has its minor risks ...|main5|dl4|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D271399
WTF? Sports Illustrated bikini issue is now racist? More fucked up pc BS obviously. Where does it end?
Mr Revolutionary in the WH the #1 promoter of N African muslim nation government overthrows "to get the old guard out" has succeeded only in the persecution of Xians and installing his jihadist al-queda teerorists taking over.
Has there ever been a bigger fuckup in the history of the planet? Incompetentence and ignorance is putting it mildly.
What about these gas prices?
A 2nd black Chicago teen shot dead with an Obama connection, this time who attended his anti-gun rally last week there. Hippo Obama and his murder capital of the nation hometown get big headlines lately.
Will the first homosexual president Obama be going back to Las Vegas with whoredog Woods and Jordan who cant get enough of those white hookers in Vegas?
Gas headed to 5 bucks a gallon and everything thru the roof while this slackass pothead loafer cool mctool in the WH with a 17 trillion debt lives the life of Riley doing nothing?
Bottom line it was a 2nd Great Crusades holy war with good vs evil aka christianity vs islam.
Bush could have saved 3 trill and 4500 troops by simply dropping 1000 megatron dirty nuclear warheads on the entire pagan muslim world vaporizing 1.5 bill ragheads and taken all oil fields to get gas down to 40-50 cent a gal. Hindsight is 20/20 though but whatever you do dont let the socialist muslim radical jihadist pagan mysteriously smuggled into the WH due to economic collaspe get rid of the US nuclear arsenal as he has been trying for 4 years. You dont have to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
Muslims the world over sighed a collective relief when Romney was rigged to lose who knew exactly what had to be done.
Democrats have the worlds top faggot in the WH and Republicans need to go faggot? Liberal screwball pervs always giving the GOP bad advice and lucky as hell they were rigged the election.
So what has their top fag done in over 4 yrs but run up 16.7 trillion debt and fagged up the nation as caretaker of the worse economy in history?
So skinny legs Obama golfs with top oil execs in Florida and Woods ignoring his closest advisors to stay clear of the disgraced bum? No wonder gas prices are going up.
The first known ultra extremist liberal homo and homo promoter on steroids in the WH keeps living up to his abuse of power dictator billing trying to override states rights and We The People.
The lib media now knows you never do anyone a favor if you don't want them to stab you in the back.
In the incompetent age of Obama where less than 50% of college grads can even find work and who owns over a trillion in unpaid college loans, the college B.A. degree has become the equivalent of a high school diploma.
But lets reject the highly gifted top job creator and much more qualified experienced business leader Romney for president who was going to do the job pro bono?
Stupid ignorant liberals cut their own throats...
Could there be any connection between the 1st muslim president in DC and the 1st muslim beheadings known of christians in America?
Obama recent payroll income tax increase damages his already terrible economy.
Meanwhile as Obama golfs with the Woods whoredog plus his big oil execs pals in FL gas prices hit 4 bucks a gallon.
35 days in a row gas price increased and he says nothing?
Is he getting kickbacks?
Chicken Little says the sky is falling. What a liar. When the dog meat eaters lips are moving you know he is lying his ass off.
Cut 100 billion off the criminal illegal alien moochers tab to solve the problem easily.
Redistribution of assets also apply to illegal aliens ...,0,7721233.story
Are these the wantabe Kardashian media whores male and female in the White House? Move the White House to Hollywood?,32068,2178453595001_2136781,00.html
Obama and his beloved Obamacare fluke doing absolutely zero about nation killer costs that never ever stop rising worse than gas prices.
Insurance companies who the WH moron has ragged on since 2008 are helpless and at the mercy of hospitals.
Why didnt Obama try to cut health care costs by 50% or more instead? What an ignoranmous idiot as usual.
Elitist pretender Obama has done not one goddam fucking thing about astronomical health care costs yet running up the national debt to 17 trillion and counting? That ego trippin empty chair useless to the core.,0,3733055.story
Recession inflation Obama's 17 trillion national debt killing the middle class with his tax increases high unemployment and rampant inflationary price increases health care petroleum costs
obv liberal trash
Freshly born infants get their spinal cords severed at birth by late term physicians using scissors in the Obama pc liberal age.,0,5350925.story
Bhengazi investigation officially a cold case.
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