Will the Obamas do any church visiting when they’re in town for the convention?
If they do, we at the Dish are betting they show up at Friendship Missionary Baptist.
Hear us out: Among the many prominent members of this African-American megachurch on Beatties Ford Road are Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx and former Charlotte Mayor Harvey Gantt -- both in the forefront of bringing the convention to CLT.
And if that’s not reason enough to merit an appearance by the First Family, consider the quilts.
Let us explain: The ladies in the quilting ministry at Friendship stitched five quilts -- one each for the president, the First Lady, their two daughters and the First Mother-in-Law.
"They were all very different," reports Mayor Foxx, who hand-delivered them to the White House. "The one we gave the president actually (featured) a history of Charlotte - different patches reflected different moments in the city’s history."
So, any chance that the Obamas will include a stop at Friendship on their itinerary? To share the pulpit with Pastor Clifford Jones, Sr.?
The schedules are yet to be worked out, Foxx told us. But he added: "Of course, I’m always hopeful that they will come by the church and spend time there."
If they do come, the quilting ladies should get seats in a front pew. Says Foxx: "They did not see this project as work. They saw it as a cause and it was just so incredible to see them take it on the way they did."
-Tim Funk
Home loan forgiven? It may count as income
10 years ago
Heaven forbid he show up in a "white" church, that would not be appropriate, even though Mr. Obama is 50% caucasian
Why wouldn't it be appropriate if the president chose to appear at a white church? You are just race baiting to start a cyber argument!
You did NOT make similar comments when previous presidents attended the church of their choice. Looks like YOU are the one with the problem and not the POTUS.
It's such a shame this church has thrown away the Bible simply because President Obama is a black man. There are so many things he believes in that simply aren't Godly, why praise him like he was God himself. This historic black church should be speaking out against these beliefs, but sadly it's more about race than it is about honoring God.
He will if it will get him a vote.
Isn't this the Church were County manager Harry Jones goes? Isn't this the same Church from whose members he chose to give the top jobs (and six figure salaries with no experience) at DSS to? One Mary Wilson and the other the Mayor's wife. Yep, pretty sure this is that church.
Please let this convention come and leave. I hope it rains all week during the convention
He doesn't attend church in Washington, why would he attend here?
I'll laugh so hard if he shows up at Elevation.
in momentul in care presedintele
articol, gresit si ilegal.
Obama thought about attending a local fake mosque but the real muslims might be waiting for him with their knives since homos are all beheaded and he has homo'ed up America. Muslims in America are a joke version led by lib scum and Farrakhan.
Thats why downlow pimp Malcom X was killed by his own Chicago fakes after he went to Mecca and was lucky to get out with his head intact promptly quitting and threatening to expose Elijah Mohammed as fake.
Real muslims will cut off heads with their 100% homo to hetro conversion success rate.
Romney needs to hire real muslims executioners to take care of all the faggot stench Obama will leave behind once he is defeated in Nov.
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