Charlotte's host committee for the 2012 Democratic National Convention is emailing more than 250,000 people around the country today with a fundraising pitch that is pure Carolinas.
For a $5 contribution, these would-be donors are being told, they will be listed as sponsors on the convention's official "Powered by the American People" stock car.
The e-letter is signed by longtime Charlotte racing promoter H.A. “Humpy” Wheeler and is designed to help the "Charlotte in 2012" committee raise the $37 million it needs to pay for the convention in September.
"I’m proud that my home state was chosen to host the 2012 Democratic National Convention and excited to share some of the Southern hospitality that we are known for in the Carolinas," Wheeler says in the letter. "I’m even more proud that the Convention will kick off with a free, family-friendly Labor Day celebration at the place I spent the majority of my career at – the Charlotte Motor Speedway."
The stock car will also be part of that Labor Day party as well as other events leading up to the convention at Time Warner Cable Arena in uptown Charlotte.
Here's the entire e-letter from the Charlotte in 2012 Committee:
"Dear Charlotte in 2012 Supporter,
I’ve seen it all in this business, literally. In 1949, when I was only 11, I attended the first ever NASCAR race. Ever since that day, nobody could stop me from helping to build the sport that I loved to what it is today.
Whether you are a longtime fan of racing or have never had the chance to experience a race, you can become a sponsor of the Charlotte in 2012 “Powered by the American People” stock car. Be a part of our team by giving $5 or whatever you can right now and your name will appear on the Convention’s official stock car.
I’m proud that my home state was chosen to host the 2012 Democratic National Convention and excited to share some of the southern hospitality that we are known for in the Carolinas. I’m even more proud that the Convention will kick off with a free, family-friendly Labor Day celebration at the place I spent the majority of my career at – the Charlotte Motor Speedway.
I want you to be part of our racing family. If you give $5 – or whatever you can right now – you will be listed as a sponsor on the Convention’s official stock car.
Thank you, and I hope to see you in the Carolinas,
H.A. “Humpy” WheelerCEO, The Wheeler Company."
Tim Funk
Home loan forgiven? It may count as income
10 years ago
Wow and I used to like Humpy until now that I see he is one of "them".
As one of "them", I think Anonymous 1:10pm is very childish.
I will give ten dollars to have them go some where else.
That's the problem with someone like Anonymous1:23 pm -- you'd cut off your nose to spite your partisan face!
Surprised the car isn't solar or wind (hot air) powered considering it's for the dnc. Perhaps it's supposed to run on algae?
That car can't hunt. It's Solyndra powered.
Your name as you would like it to appear on the car: Munchma Quchi.
Have they said WHO will be driving this car?
It's amazing how many lemmings can't see past political party lines.
Your knee jerk hatred of anything that in any way is connected to the other party is almost Pavlovian.
"Your knee jerk hatred of anything that in any way is connected to the other party is almost Pavlovian."
Says a member of the party who blames a rainy day on George Bush. Dont try to get all "holier than though", pal- the left is just as bad as the right!
The article doesn't mention that the "Powered by the American People" will actually be a lime green 1995 Chevy Caprice with 26" rims and "a killer system". It will get 75 MPG, but top speed will only be 52 MPH. Because ALL of the drivers on the Sprint Cup circuit have half a brain, they have not found anyone to actually drive the car, though.
I got this in my email Spam box today.
What a perfect fit! The Democrats, who keep turning America to the left, can sponsor a car in a sport where all they do is make left turns.
"Your knee jerk hatred of anything that in any way is connected to the other party is almost Pavlovian."
Says a member of the party who blames a rainy day on George Bush. Dont try to get all "holier than though", pal- the left is just as bad as the right!
See, there is that partisan knee jerk again. You assume that because I disagree with you I must be a Democrat. You are wrong ... again.
See, there is that partisan knee jerk again. You assume that because I disagree with you I must be a Democrat. You are wrong ... again.
Oh golly gee, you tricked me! How clever of you! Point remains; neither the right nor the left has a monopoly on the type of actions of which you speak.
Beware of people pretending to be one party while denigrating the other party. For some reason that has become an almost epidemic on the internet.
And even worse the variant of pretending to be one party and saying how bad that party is, while pledging a crossover vote.
WOW-I have always liked and respected "Humpy". I still respect his right to his beliefs, but I now question his sanity!! How could anyone in their "right mind" support an administration that has bankrupted our country-and even worse: Disrespected our Constitution?? I believe that most of you in the South believe strongly in The Second Amendment, but if our current "leader" is re-elected, you better hide your guns and your gold and your daughters.
Anonymous April 5, 2012 1:10 PM wrote: Wow and I used to like Humpy until now that I see he is one of "them".
If by "one of them" you mean a person who was born and bred in this area, has worked his entire life doing promotions, cares deeply about NASCAR, Charlotte, and the Carolinas, I understand why you would consider him part of "them". He IS one of "us" that dislikes petty hatreds and puts the good of all people first.
I have had the honor to chat with Humpy a few times. Besides his many other retirement endeavors, he continues to work with diadvantaged youth. He is a man of honor and integrity who should be greatly admired and appreciated by all.
Folks let's face it.....Liberals suck!
Good Lord........It is absolutely unbelievable to me that a successful business man such as Humpy could feel this way. Even more unbelievable is that he would reveal this to the NASCAR community.
Strange......helping someone....the demorat party, that will speed up your own demise, through its communist agenda is sick.
Good for Humpy. It would be much easier for him to take the easy way out and pretend he is a conservative just to make everyone continue to like him. His stand took some courage. I am happy to call him a friend of mine.
Only driver they will be able to find would be Jeremy Mayfield. The rest have more sense
Now I have a car to root for - to crash on the first lap just like our economy has done under the Democrats!
Anonymoust 8:56am...
And maybe Karma will get you and you will crash instead...
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