A GOP Super PAC is working on a plan to "jolt" the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte by waging an attack campaign that week linking President Barack Obama to his controversial ex-pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Among other things, the group envisions anti-Obama aerial banners of up to 8,500 square feet flying over the convention site for four hours one day, according to a front-page report in Thursday's New York Times.
The proposed advertising campaign would also include hard-line TV ads and billboards, the newspaper said.
The Times said the $10 million plan was commissioned by conservative billionaire Joe Ricketts, founder of TD Ameritrade. Working out the details are "a group of high-profile Republican strategists."
"Timed to upend the Democratic National Convention in September," reported the Times, which obtained a copy, "the plan would do 'exactly what John McCain would not let us do (in 2008),' a written proposal explains. The proposal, which is awaiting approval (by Ricketts), calls for running commercials linking Mr. Obama to incendiary comments by . . . (Wright), whose race-related sermons made him a highly-charged figure in the 2008 campaign."
In that campaign, Obama repudiated those comments by Wright.
The so-called "Ricketts Plan" also proposes defusing anticipated charges of race-baiting by hiring as the group's spokesman an "extremely literate conservative African American," the Times reported. This spokesman would argue that Obama misled the country by presenting himself as what the proposal calls a "metrosexual black Abraham Lincoln."
The plan flies in the face of the strategy adopted so far by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. He and his campaign have tried to keep the focus on the economy and the president's record.
UPDATE at 1:12 p.m. Thursday: After widespread criticism of the "Ricketts plan," POLITICO is reporting that a spokesman for Rickett said that the plan has been rejected.
Brian Baker, who heads the Ricketts-backed Ending Spending Super PAC, called the proposal to tar Obama with Wright-themed ads "an approach to politics that Mr. Ricketts rejects," POLITICO said.
Tim Funk
Home loan forgiven? It may count as income
10 years ago
Might be time for target practice when those banners come flying over....typical tea-bagger idea!
expose the fraud
Did anyone really care about the Rev Wright nonsense in 2008? It didn't fly four years ago...
With as tight as they're locking down center city, I can't imagine there won't be a no-fly perimeter in effect during the DNC.
If they're only going to focus on a non-issue that would only concern an ultraconservative, they're wasting $10 million. Unless they're not convinced Romney can lock up the ultraconservative vote...
Seriously TC? Just start shooting at stuff you don't like? You sound like a tea bagger...
Hilarious. I hope they do it. I mean, we could all clearly tell during Obama's first term that he's waged war on white people right? What a radical guy we have in office!!!!! (/sarcasm)
I'm an old-school Jesse Helms conservative, and even I think this is a stupid idea. Whose mind is this supposed to change, DNC convention goers? What a waste of time, money, and credibility. Jon Stewart will have a field-day with the footage from this buffoonery.
So some people are upset with the State of things......
Dash Wright is correct.
Another dumb idea from the right wing. The more things change the more they stay the same.
This trick won't work either Obama will be re-elected as President of the United States of America!
$10 million wasted. General elections aren't decided by liberals or conservatives - they're ironically decided by the "undecided". Liberals vote one way, conservatives the other and the final decision is truly made by the sway of the middle. Jeremiah Wright is a mere footnote from the last election. An 8,500 square foot sign about Jeremiah Wright will have no more impact on the middle in 2012 than a cheap dig at Sarah Palin.
That`s right,anonymous at 12:59,take a couple of shots at them.....and you sound like an ignorant deushbag!
Obama shot his wad coming out of the closet as homosexual embraced by the legions of pervs, soddomites, lesbians, hetrophobes, beastalistists, cannibals, racists, satanists, bigots, anti-American activists, etc.
Of course his unchecked wasting of unknown trillions and trillions is under review up to 7 trillion and counting now double even Bush.
35 states have anti homo marriage and 9 pro homo.
Its pretty much all over but the crying bitching whining farting and sceaming racism now.
President Romney has his work cut out like never before but at least regulations will be lifted and oil drilling everywhere plus economy picks up and millions of jobs.
Never send a boy to do a mans job.
Republican sweep and landslide. All homo laws will be 100% reversed.
Back in the closet they go ... for good.
Anon 2:14 - That was one of the most hateful, obnoxious, and offensive postings I've ever read. And considering this is part of the Observer comment boards where incivility rules, that's really saying something.
Let this be "Exhibit A" of why it's impossible to have a rational, intelligent conversation with one of this new breed of far-right conservatives. They've been conditioned to think that kind of a rant is how to have a discussion about serious issues.
And no, the other side isn't "just as bad". Not even close. Read Leonard Pitts' column on today's Op/Ed page. This guy shows us why Pitts' is right on target.
Of course, the FAA will issue a TFR (Temporary Flight Restriction) for airspace surrounding the convention. Typically all non-scheduled air traffic (non-airline) is excluded. A TFR has been issued for the Superbowl and most "large public gatherings" for some years now. There is even a permanent TFR (permanent TFR? oxymoron) over Disney World.
God help us if Obama is re-elected.. Have you all not paid attention to anything these past 3 years?? Gas prices, unemployment (real numbers, not what the white house advertises), excessive spending..I can go on.
Sure, fool yourselves by drinking the "change" kool-aid, but I've seen no change, just empty promises..
I guess if tea bagger is ok then pickle smoker should not be a problem either...
Who cares, the "smart" Dems have already made laughing stocks of themselves in NC lead by the inept and corrupt Perdue, the sexual harrassement suit against the DNC chairperson, the 1st gay Presidents obvious flip flop on gay marriage, the John Edwards trail, Romney with a 9 point lead over the Kenyan Klown according to Rasmussen here, now raising corporate cash to fund the clown convention, top level Dems already cursing the fact the chose the home of BoFA for the convention. On top of that we will get to see the OWS useful idiots in full bloom this fall right here in little old Charlotte.
The gay marriage issue goes down in NC by a landslide and the next week Obama is saying he supports gay marraige. In a state he only won by 14,000 votes in 2008 he sure made a political mess for himself. The super PAC should simply focus on Obama's record: record high unemployment, the first President in history with less jobs then the day he was sworn in, $5 trillion in new debt in just 3 years after it took over 200 years to accumulate the first $9 trillion in debt. One and done Mr. Obama.
Agent advertisement 1991. Funny he didn't correct it then
The only unemployment number I care about is Obama's...that will be the best job loss in my generation. What an amateur President. He had only been a senator for 3 years and had little to no experience before that!
Doesn't Community Organizer count for anything these days??? (sarcasm)
I believe it would be a good idea, however, the Secret Service probably would not approve of it. In my view it would be nothing more than some folks showing their discontent of our current White House occasional employee. I would hope the SS would not object since it would be nothing like the insane hit-piece commercials I've seen on the TV lately. Go fly that plane, please!
Here is a link to the document, from the NYT. I hope you can read it, including the portions where these fine conservatives discuss "superimposing" Obama's face other other speakers, so it appears he's saying things he really isn't. If there's a shred of honesty or integrity left in the GOP, this should make even Republicans throw up.
How very tacky, However, I don't expect better.
Thanks Observer. If you had updated the Headline after you had new information, those who oppose the idea would not have been as likely to read the story.
Keep the pressure up, we need to help Obama and the Democrats with at least as much fervor as you have in the past.
Unfortunately, you will be preaching to a choir thats drinking the kool-aid. Wrong targeted audience.
Won't happen. Remember, Liberals don't own guns. they like to be victims.
If Obama Gets re-elected, It's just four more years of Bush. They're clones after all!
This must be a Liberal Posing as a Conservative.
Obama is the true racist.
no one noticed that the guy who wrote the plan is Fred Davis, aka, McCrory's media guru and his plan called for unveiling the rascist campaign via a streaming press conference from Charlotte. any comment from McCrory?
Obama is the first prez born to an African paternal in Kenya Africa and smuggled back into America by his white mom.
The pap stayed in Africa proving he gave a rats ass abandoning both and never paid child support.
In Kenya they pay child support in roosters and chickens but they never got a single bird.
The mom & son then went SE Asia where she married a man 25 yrs her senior. Barack was fed dogmeat 3 times a day for 10 years raised in muslim school never to be homo or get yo head cut off. The rest is history. Obama swore never to be muslim but loves tasty dog.
The Rickets sign above the TWC DNC will simply read:
In 4 yrs over 100 pets have mysteriously vanished at the WH and somethings always cookin in the kit plus Obama is always licking his chops while his 2 kids cry their eyes out.
The guy above me is why some of us feel its a waste of time to try to get along with Whites. I personally teach my children be peaceful with all people but I also teach them if a White person crosses you in a disrespectful manner then you beat them to within an inch of their life.
Sounds harsh? Try being a Black person who is trying to be positive in America. We get tired of your disrespectful mouths and I think in the next few months many of you are going to get a surprise when you come out of your faces wrong.
After what libscum did to Bush & Reagan they whine and cry about Obama who eats dogs and smokes cigs?
Politics is fair game idiot or maybe you are too dumb to fig it out and you'd be the one getting beat within an inch of his life. Prepare for the big defeat in Nov. Theres 135 trill total debt.
Prez Romney has a monumental job for the next 8 yrs cleaning up the worst fcking red ink mess in world history.
( it may be a good idea to hide your pet dogs during the DNC )
Yo dude. Stop being a dogmeat eater bigot. Who cares if Barack eats dogs and cats. Maybe he developed a taste and fond of roasted or baked cat or dog. Thats his business. Ok? America needs to eat dogs and cats. Maybe they already are when they eat at Chinese Restaurants and dont know it.
Whatever. To each his or her own.
My Favorite comment is the one from the Sheboon about getting along with whites. I thought this post was about anti-obama banners
Some of these morons keep forgetting Obama is a white guy and thats fine. Obama is a white president and whites claim him with no problem. Get in through your thick skulls.
They just want to get their guy out of the White House because he is a failure. Its that simple. He is in WAYYY over his head and can only spend 24/7/365 by the trillions needlessly wastefully ... Money does not grow on trees.
America needs to return to the GOLD STANDARD immediately so every penny is backed by pure gold at Ft Knox KY vaults and not printed by some idiot paper machine.
White Obama has America in 135 trillion in total debt !!!
Legalize all drugs & alcohol and tax both 50% to repay trillions of debt & end drug dealers who pay no taxes.
Did Prohibition work?
End ALL gas taxes at state and federal levels to help business and get the jobless rate to 1%. DRILL LIKE HELL.
RIP up Trade and Tryon one end to the other to drill if needed.
Drill everywhere. Call out the Texas Roughnecks baby. Oh hell yea ...
Arrest all able bodied slackards who wont work and put them on the chain gang to do all the roadwork.
Prez Romney is a BUSINESSMAN who can manage $$$. This is something America NEVER had. Politics only attracts RAW SEWAGE freeloaders on the govt dole 99% of the time who know NOTHING about business.
The other white guy can take a hike back to Chicago.
Thank bush for that debt !!!, vote for OBAMA.
Bush had 2 big nasty cameljock wars to fight to keep libs from having their heads amputated since Allah commands fags/libs beheaded first. Thats why there are ZERO homos in Allah world.
Dont forget Barrys white Irish American ancestors were slave owners. His pap was from east Africa was not in the slave business. Only tribal chiefs from west Africa conned their rejects to slave buyers like Baracks ancestors.
Euro American Barry will prob join the tea party and run again down the road. He would make his white granny and gramps proud who raised him. His alltime hero Lincoln was a Republican too plus hes a married family man xian with nice kids. Perfect conservative mold.
Wow. Obamas ex-boyfriend from the downtown Chicago Mens Club still extremely bitter at him in typical gay ex-lovers quarrel. When gays split its eternal warfare.
Hypocrite ... shame shame shame ... BIG BULLY !!!
Sure. Gay MA can speak for NC. What a joke.
Its a done deal Obama shot his wad with this homo marriage sickness and will lose in Nov. Way to go dumbass.
Before 1967 homosexuality was a mental illness and there was treatment for it. What happened?
Hire Sharia Law Muslims to cure it permanently or face beheading? Or cure it with psychiatric treatment and drugs?
Take your choice. (Sharia Law proven more effective)
Nice logic here for those banners. By the same token, Dems could link Romney to Trump and fly banners that say "You're Fired! Romney bad for jobs, Romney bad for America!"
"Before 1967 homosexuality was a mental illness and there was treatment for it. What happened?"
Um, let's see...
It's been supported by research that homosexuality is linked to brain development, IN-UTERO!
And, um, NO treatment has ever been supported by legitimate, peer-reviewed research to be effective. It hasn't been effective because it's seen by professionals in mental health that homosexuality is as much a part of a person who is homosexual as heterosexuality is a part of a person who is heterosexual. Tell, me, anonymous...When did YOU choose to be heterosexual?
The minister at Providence Road Baptist Church in Charlotte NC recently said "all queers and lesbians need to be out behind an eletrified fence 50-100 miles long and drop them food from an airplane... They will die off because they cant reproduce..."
Good point but then they would enjoy their filthy sicko acts for decades although diseases like AIDS/HIV would be rampant inside the fence. YUCKO. Time to build that fence or instantly fix the problem with Sharia Law.
The natural attraction between the opposite sexes is 100% genetic so no choice required to be normal. Male and female were created to procreate as commanded with "be fruitful and multiply" 6000 yrs ago.
"Queers and lesbians" be damn glad their parents and grandparents and heritage back 1000s of yrs were hetro or they would not even exist.
Before the 1960s the psychiatry cure rate for the perv freaks about 50% not quite the 100% success rate muslims attain.
Insane Farrakhan finally gets something right on homos though.
Why dont they treat homos for mental illness anymore like they did before the latter 60s?
Duh ... That would cut their ever dwindling numbers in half wouldnt it?
When a homo dies another homo must be recruited just to remain even.
They cant reproduce so the must recruit and competition is fierce for bodies.
This is why they must try to make it normal and why gay Obama has homosexualized America and its armed forces with mindwash BS.
Obama is the alltime top recruiter for homos in America and the world plus hes still hurting after his boyfriend ex-Duke player Reggie Love dumped him.
Obama and Gay Lover Split!
Date: Thursday, 10-Nov-2011 21:58:03 Obama "body man" Reggie Love leaving White House
by RNC who approve of this message 2012
Public schooler 14 year old:
Obama intentionally making and forcing teens to be and remain homos and his anti-bullying gives the pervs protection. How true.
RNC approved ad
Tampa Fl
So, I guess the Republicans are cancelling their convention to avoid the same problem. Hmmmmm.
the group envisions anti-Obama aerial banners of up to 8,500 square feet flying over the convention site for four hours one day, according to a front-page report in Thursday's New York Times. chicago banners
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