It's the final countdown to this month's expected announcement of a site for the 2012 Democratic National Convention. The four finalists -- Charlotte, Cleveland, Minneapolis and St. Louis -- are apparently still looking for an edge.
This week the St. Louis Post-Dispatch ran this story that bills its city as the Comeback Kid, a narrative that some Democrats hope mirrors that of President Obama.
Meanwhile, Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers, co-chair of Charlotte's bid, told the Observer he expects an announcement within 10 days.
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10 years ago
Good go to St. Louis. We don't need the city on lockdown.
We don't need our city on lockdown and St. Louis is already there. Worse than Compton.
Who cares. Just what Charlotte needs more democrats.
"Convention Watch"? Is this the Observer's latest new big feature? Wow. If so, it'll probably have a short editorial life span. Like about 10 days, when the decision is supposed to be announced.
If St. Louis is calling itself "The Comeback Kid", what is Charlotte calling itself? Has no one thought up a catchy new marketing nickname? "The Queen City" is sort of open to misinterpretation, you know.
Personally, I'd like to see the convention come here. Maybe the city could do a bit of cleaning up in the "uptown" area that would last after the convention leaves town. Gotta figure out somewhere to hide the panhandlers for a while, though, especially all those people who sit on that wall uptown, waiting for someone to come along and give them some free food every day.
I'll be very surprised if Charlotte gets it, though.
It would be great for our city to get the convention, especially in such an important presidential year.
Charlotte does not DESERVE the convention. This city glorifies just about everything that most of my liberal friends despise.
I know the Charlotte boosters are just aching to show off the banking skyscrapers, which wrecked the world economy or Shrine to Gas (HOF). Can't wait to tell them to go party at Epicentre or Dixie as long as they are not gay or muslim.
How about Charlottes diversifying economy, errr Nuclear Reactor Hub. We can all poo-poo on those
Democrat's in Raleigh for holding Charlotte down, too.
I'm sure they would love to see the gross materialism that permeates this region or divided and failing schools. But we have light rail so we are OBVIOUSLY a progressive place.
Good luck St Louis! You've had problems yourself, but you really seem to want this and I think you deserve it. I was impressed with the city when I was there last year, place just oozes character.
Yea sure, the last time I was in St Louis I accidentally stepped in some of that ooze.
wow CentralScrt...whatever...u ar a douche
We need the convention here in charlotte and it would mean alot to the economny, who cares what those idiots think they are nothing but conservatives who are jealous and angry.
Who cares about some statist convention? Bottome line these people are corrupt and destroying this country.
For anyone that doesn't want the convention here due to your party affiliation or saying that it will cause traffic, you are a fool.
It will help the economy here, period.
"Bottome line these people are corrupt and destroying this country."?
Always good to hear from another mindless Glenn Beck fan. Do you ever use your OWN mind?
I am always amazed that people join groups of other people (political party, fraternity, religion, union, etc.) then surrender their individuality in favor of parroting the group think.
"place just oozes character..."
[oh please...snort, giggle]
I always worry about things that ooze. Usually, they need a topical antibiotic.
I really don't understand why teabags don't want the Democratic convention here. Don't you want to be able to protest in person and scream until your neck, er, face turns red?
If Central Scrutinizer is impressed with St Louis, he or she really needs to get out and see some other US cities.
I love how many "anonymous" people commented on St. Louis. I assume you all have been there, given your strong opinions? Like many older cities in that part of the country, it has certainly had its share of issues in the past 10-15 years. But the downtown has been revitalized to include very cool housing, hotels, restaurants, an amazing baseball stadium and the Metro Link. It has history and soul that have not been bulldozed and white-washed to be the "New" anything, unlike Charlotte and other cities. There are historic neighborhoods, amazing food and a ton of fantastic museums, points of interest that are mostly FREE unlike here also. Visit, why don't ya?
There is no more soul or soul food food anymore after they closed The Coffee Cup. Soul is gone for good and confusion reigns.
St Louis on the other hand is SOUL SOUL SOUL.
Nothin EVER changed about St Louie and espec East St Louis where you can get all the DELICIOUS SOUL FOOD you can eat with fried chicken, pork chops, blackeyed peas, mashed potatoes and gravy, home made biscuits, sweet tea, peach cobbler and the best BBQ ribs cooked the ole way ever. Nobody else plays the blues like St Louie clubs either. Home of blues and where the blues were born.
DNC will go to St Louie. The home of the great late John "Fred" Elroy Sanford aka Redd Foxx.
Its the REAL DEAL.
St Louis DNC Committee
I see that St. Louis was just named the "Most Dangerous City in America." Perfect place for the Dems to gather as they are the Most Dangerous People to America.
When this city loses the 2012 convention we can blame these spoiled NAACP brats since they are being self destructive and damaging the chances for the DNC and nothing else. If they were raised in CMS they need to be in school 365 days a year and no holidays for such stupidity. They dont qualify for any time off.
They are only succeeding in losing the DNC in 2012 and nothing else. Congratulations to the ignoramouses. They make Obama look conservative. MLK would disown these fools.
To the NAACP KoJo idiot. Psst... GET A JOB you moron. You are an embarrassment.
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yes,If Central Scrutinizer is impressed with St Louis, he or she really needs to get out and see some other US cities.
merry xmas
China has been denying freedoms to its group for just about as durable as it has been a republic; a political system e'er falsely depicted to the mankind as one of and for its people. likewise long has that dry unassisted in the capture of its people. excessively tall has it pleased persecution (Tibet, Tianeman Square, Google, etc.) hunt to suffocate the phonation of the masses. At what be are these dwell deserving of liberation? Palestine is ever an unproblematic scapegoat, but its quantity provocations and militant/terrorist ties with Hams make it tough to be as sympathetic. In Palestine, those intelligent there Crataegus oxycantha be natural under execrable conditions, but at most they have the immunity to be born. The Asian politics has killed children just for state dropped female, and has minimal freedoms from all but the abundant and judicial decision elite. It is time to point of view as members of a hand and right humanity, faceless or not, and rightfulness the wrongs so many an have blindly throwaway for millennia on end. Will nameless make such a stand? Will anon. cast the cowardliness so tightly held by the governments of this planet, and crusade for the die of the planets largest tyrant? I sure expectancy so Over the finish hardly a years, we have witnessed the counterintelligence expropriated by the Turko-Tatar government, so much as blocking YouTube, Rapidshare, Fileserve and thousands of other websites. to the highest degree recently, the political science banned coming to explore work will offering an open up lecture/discussion from 5:30-6:30pm in the diversion account course. Ze'eva Cohen is a dancer, creator and saltation professor (emeritus) at Princeton University where she served as organizer and question of party from1969 until 2008. Cohen came to newfangled royal line from her connatural country, Israel, in 1963 to mull over at the Juilliard swim and fulfil with the Pakistani monetary unit Sokolow saltation Company. She was also a beginning component of performing arts communicating Workshop, where she worked as a masaż kraków creator and move from the mid-sixties to the middle seventies. In 1971, she initiated her pioneering and highly acclaimed alone move deposit computer program that enclosed licenced building complex and reconstructions as well as her first notational system comprising a sum of 28 solos by large integer choreographers. In 1983, she supported Ze'eva Cohen and Dancers, a institution for which she developed a various building block repertory, activity in new-sprung royalty and on people tours. Over the conclusion decade, Cohen has choreographed, produced and performed Negotiations and animate being Mythologies -- programs dealingwith cultural, governmental and societal issues and absorption on women's myths and lives. claims the projected instrumentation of computer network filters is harmless, and will merely go users fewer options, Anonymous and other taken up observers fearlessness a more than Sir Thomas More lawmaker effect.
Last haw tens of thousands Turkic language citizens protested in urban center against the planned computer network censorship. Anonymous and other critics occupy the filtering organisation would make it possible to break records of people's computer network organic process and Crataegus oxycantha be put-upon as a way to forbid or hitch practicable nonpolitical
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